Thursday 6 August 2009

Niece News

Well, while there may have been an unexpected second operation, my niece has recovered incredibly well. We were expecting her to be discharged from Great Ormond Street to a hospital closer to home, but she's actually been discharged straight home already.

My folks have gone along to lend moral support and generally cluck and fuss over the baby, and my brother-in-law's parents will be taking over such duties at the weekend.

Work has been pretty crummy, but that's about par for the course. The new system is rolling in whether we like it or not (and, on balance, we do) and whether we're ready or not (I've had just about enough time to lose my notes to a desk clearance, and discover that the system doesn't have a great deal entered into it to practice with).

Tickets for Auto Assembly are booked, but for Saturday only, and it looks as though it's going to be a day trip, rather than the usual weekend away... Kind of ironic, really, that the first time I won't be coming home to my folks, I'm not really going away.
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