Sunday 17 May 2009


Bit of a mixed week. My Friday magazine went quite smoothly up until it turned out that most of the feature copy wasn't in... That's the only reason we were in the office till just after 9pm. Other than that, the magazine went more smoothly that most of the others. I'm not sure if the manager is finally understanding what he needs to do and when, but the flatplan certainly wouldn't have been in the sensible state it was in were it not for one of his staff, who helped me sort everything into the relevant sections.

Not really looking forward to tomorrow - I'm about half a week behind on my Wednesday magazine. Thankfully my boss has offered to take on my next Monday magazine so I can focus on the next Friday magazine once I've got the current one out of the door.

Saturday was a bit of a lazy day... Lots of internet, a bit of laundry, some napping and some TV/movie later on. Did an excellent job of making myself cry watching Big Fish. I'd already seen it in the cinema, but it's lost none of its poignancy the second time round.

Today was far more active, by comparison. Yesterday's washing up, a bit of tidying, putting away the laundry, then off to see Star Trek at IMAX... I've deliberately not read about it, fearing that too many spoilers might... well... spoil it for me. That and, frankly, the prospect of a time-travelling Future Spock offering Leonard Nimoy a cameo didn't really impress me much.

Had I known it was not only directed by JJ Abrams, but written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (the writing team behind TransFormers), I might have been more excited.

It was a very bold step to basically write off almost 40 years of Trek and start at the beginning, changing a few significant points but, to be honest, I'd been getting steadily more bored with Star Trek movies... There just wasn't anywhere to take the series. First Contact was probably the last of the good ones, simply because the Borg represented such an important threat in the Trek universe. It wasn't a brilliant movie, feeling more like an extended and very dark episode of the TV series.

Casting was nigh on perfect... Kirk wasn't quite the Kirk we remember, but the others were very well written and played. Many nods to the TV series, and plenty of uses of catchphrases we know and love. My only real gripe - and it's a small one - is that Chekov wasn't quite right. It was as if they'd cast the only person they found who could do a brilliant impression of Walter Koenig's Chekov.

Do I smell a sequel?
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