Tuesday 11 October 2011

A Utility Bill That, For Once, Isn't Terrifying

I'm not sure what's behind it all, but the last few utility bills I've had - both Gas and Electric, but mostly the bloody Gas - have been positively cryogenic in their spine-chilling, bloody-freezing horror. I've had to call my supplier to confirm the numbers because surely they couldn't be adding up correctly?

But they were... and, of course, the rises in cost of energy supply - again, mostly the bloody Gas - have been pretty darned steep over the last couple of years.

So, when I received an emailed reminder from my supplier, that they needed up-to-date readings from me, lest my next bill be the most-dreaded 'Estimate', I wasn't exactly overwhelmed by a tidal wave of pure joy.

Thankfully, after the last couple of scares (one of which, I must confess, was down to a bill that came through based on Estimates, because the readings I had supplied had somehow become lost in the system and, although the support person I spoke to was able to find them, I supplied new readings that day) I have been keeping record of my readings on my calendar, so I can more easily refer back to the previous each time I take down the new.

And, what a surprise...

My Electricity reading, since the last bill, has ticked on only 760 units, despite my heavy computer usage, frequent usage of the Wii and television while the computer is also on, and occasional instances of the TV being left on (in Standby Mode) overnight. I suspect that, even if my supplied had not elected to increase my Direct Debit 'contribution', I'd still be in credit there.

The Gas reading, though, was amazing. Now, granted, I've been very scrupulous since the last bill and the massive increase in my DD payment (not quite double what I signed up to a few years ago). When it's been 'a bit chilly' at home (and, just as often, it's fairly warm outside), I've been putting on a jumper rather than turning on the heating. Summer, such as it was, remained reasonably warm even on the cloudy/rainy days and, even now, in the chill winds of October, it's not cold enough to warrant the use of the central heating.

So... when I did my sums and realised that, in almost half a year, I've used only 67 units of gas, I was over the moon. Considering how much use I've been getting out of the hob recently (occasionally more than was strictly necessary due to my inexperience), and that doing the washing up also requires hot water from the boiler, I was surprised to find I've been using only a little more than a third of a unit per day, on average.

I had been worried that, given the timing of my 6-monthly bills (April/October), there would never be a time when I'd receive a 'light' bill because I'd be coming out of winter from one, and gearing up for winter in the other. It doesn't help that I feel cold if the temperature falls below 22C (I kid thee not!), but reaching for warmer clothes rather than cranking up the heating really has made a difference... and now I'm tempted to see how far I can stretch that system.

Looking back on the days when I lived with my folks, it's easy to laugh at how naive (stupid?) I was. Whenever I saw my mother wandering about the house in a jumper and a cardigan, I asked her why she didn't just put the heating up if she was cold.

Now I have to pay the bill myself, it's all rather obvious.

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