Sunday 16 October 2011

OK, I cheated...

...and looked up the very end of New Game Plus in Metroid: Other M. The 'something irreplaceable' is Adam Malkovich's helmet, left behind in all the action.

I'm very glad I did look it up because, as well as revealing how to get some of the trickier items, it showed me a quicker way of defeating the 'Power Bomb Doors' (which aren't doors!), and what awaits me if I actually intend to go for 100% completion.

Already, I have 100% in two of the five game areas, and an astonishingly low 33% in the last area to open up in the main game, so I've got an awful lot of catching up to do.

Actually getting to the very end may not be entirely necessary, so I'm not going to rush it. Just defeating the Metroid Queen and MB opens up Gallery Mode and Theatre Mode, the latter offering all the pre-rendered movie sequences in proper DVD scene menu style - you can 'Play All' and see 'Metroid: Other M, The Movie' (cleverly filling in the bits between movies with snippets of recorded gameplay), or dip in and choose the specific scenes (of which there are many). Clearly, completing the Plus game completes the movie with the after-credits extras, and each Power Bomb Door defeated seems to open up more artwork in Gallery Mode (or perhaps that's just filled out by increasing your percentage in area).

Still, much fun... I'm not really looking forward to 'the gauntlet' that serves as a run-up to the Plus game's final (for reals this time!) boss, or the timed escape (one of my most loathed gameplay features), but I think I should be able to do it...

Probably not this coming week, of course, but hopefully sometime soon.

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