Sunday 7 March 2010


Popped over to my folks for lunch today, also visiting my sister and niece since they were there as well. Compared to other visits, it was not as uncomfortable or as dull largely, I suspect, because of the aforementioned niece.

She's doing very well - getting big, inquisitive... very gurgly when she wants to be, too. She is completely enchanting, and I'm glad she's looking and acting like a normal baby of (quick calculation) 8 months tomorrow.

While she was fascinated by beards way back when she was in hospital almost full-time, but now she's even more fascinated by glasses. Given half a chance, she'll take them off anyone's face... and normally either stick them in her mouth or lick them.

I took the opportunity to pick up some more of my toys - the remainder of the Galaxy Force/Cybertron line - and a few books (well, Batman graphic novels) and CDs. There's still a fair bit that needs to come over - the whole of Armada, the majority of my CDs, more graphic novels, my Saturn Twin Stick - but I've certainly whittled it down.

Rather amazingly, Channel 4 showed Stardust earlier this evening - a brilliant film, and one I've been meaning to pick up on DVD for a while. I haven't because I keep forgetting it, and because I wasn't sure I actually wanted to own it. Having seen it again, the decision has been made... rather own it, and watch it whenever I feel like it (and it'll go in my list of all-time favourite feel-good movies), than wait till it turns up on TV again.

Bizarrely, following it is 30 Days of Night... which I'm currently half-watching while doing other things on the computer... Blogging included ;)
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