Monday 2 March 2009

Let's just call it done

The kitchen, I mean.

I've painted all the fiddly bits that have been bugging me since I completed the bulk of the painting. It's not perfect. Some of it isn't very elegant... but it's my kitchen and, frankly, considering it's my first room-painting project, I think it looks pretty good.

Work wasn't great. Had a couple more emails come through about web stuff that wasn't done by the web guy before he left (yet again I applaud the genius who let him go two and a half months before the end of his notice period). One was from the MD, who wanted to "set the alarm bells ringing" over ads that haven't been uploaded. Considering web guy got paid more than my boss, and I'm being paid an extra £250pm for this gig, without any training thusfar, I think they can all go stuff themselves.

Once I know how the systems work (assuming there are systems), it should be reasonably easy to pull it off...
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