Monday 23 March 2009

Things get complicated

When I was invited, last week, into a meeting about a certain show, and the web-based publicity we're adding to our sites to promote it, I was rather dubious. Not really my field, so I wasn't sure what they expected me to add.

Nevertheless, I accepted that my presence was required.

Today, I received an email from one of the people involved in the show, telling me that he looked forward to meeting me and hearing what I had to say about the whole publicity thing.

Cue alarm bells.

Publicity ain't my thing... Marketing ain't my thing (despite the fact that I'd do a better job than most of our salespeople), and my knowledge of the show and its requirements is nonexistant. I was asked to put the ad on our websites. Mission accomplished. Anything more is not in my remit, as I understood the agreement.

Thankfully my boss has volunteered to come along...

But, as if that wasn't bad enough, some kerfuffle we had on Friday regarding a web ad for another show, for which running an offer on tickets, became even more insane today. The Commercial Manager involved repeatedly sent the same Flash files to me and the woman in charge of the web project. I suggested to her than this was his 'subtle' way of saying he expected us to dig him out of the shit, but that I have neither the software, nor the expertise with that software, to make the changes he and the client required...

...and then it began to look as though the changes he required didn't make any bloody sense anyway.

Meanwhile, one of my designers called in sick, and another was in hospital for the first half of the day. Lucky there weren't too many ads to work on today...

I managed to strip out the 'filler' ads from some of the websites, but only one of the three Commercial Managers bothered to let me know which ads should definitely stay. I may have to assume they're happy that the database is up to date and correct... but I'm really not confident that's true.

Possible upside to today: I may be getting Flash training.

Not completely happy about it... This whole thing was sold to me on the grounds that I wouldn't have to learn Flash, so my boss has gone back on the agreement. She made the (somewhat valid) point that knowing Flash would stand me in good stead for the future... but it's really not something I want to learn.

Who knows? It might turn out to be fun.
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