Saturday 20 October 2007

Weird Dreams

2 work-related dreams last night... One I barely remember now, because it seemed to just be routine stuff (inspired, no doubt, by news of my Monday magazine, that the Editor is being a prick and huge numbers of ads aren't on the system because of a problem with Sales Support). It was odd... but nothing spectacular.

The really weird one seemed to be set back at the old office. Recent enough that we were running PCs, and editorial featured the current lineup, but not really recent... My cyberstalker ex-colleague turned up, put his bag down, picked up some work, and proceeded to act as if he still worked there. Everyone was a little perturbed and confused because he was 'made redundant' some time ago even in the dream. No-one actually wanted to do anything about it (who knew what might happen if they tried?), and my boss wasn't around...

When he went off to make himself a cup of tea, I made a beeline for the Accounts guy - who seemed to be the only person in any worthwhile position of responsibility in the office - and mentioned that this guy had apparently returned. He then ran off to the kitchen and escorted him out of the office... While I hung back, out of sight, in the Accounts area.

I'm happy to report that this is only the second time - ever - that my cyberstalker has appeared in a dream of mine, and his first appearance (as an entirely black figure, standing in my back garden) was far more sinister... but still... not really a good start to the weekend.

Speaking of which, I slept far later than I'd intended, despite getting to bed at a reasonable hour last night. I finally surfaced around 11am. I'd planned to do some more stereoscopic photography this morning - before the sun rose too high, ruining the light conditions - and when I got up, the light was already creeping round into the danger zone.

Still, I had already prepared the shot I wanted in my head, so it was easy enough to get it set up. The hardest part, as usual, was getting the models out of the cupboard without knocking the rest over.

The next hurdle was that, while the camera reckoned it had about 50 minutes of charge yesterday, it wasn't five minutes after I turned it on today that it flashed up its battery warning. Thankfully, I managed to fire off three good shots, and have turned them into two 'greyscale' 3D pictures (the second being far more effective than the first) and - just to be all cool and experimental - one full-colour 3D picture. The latter doesn't work as well, but it does work. Assuming the light is still good - and that I get out of bed in good time - I may well do some more tomorrow... The key, as always, is to plan in advance, and have a very good idea of the layout of each shot before I make everything ready.

Now... Where's that camera charger...

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