Sunday 7 October 2007

REALLY Giant F'ing Robots Are Here (for a limited time only)

Forgot to mention yesterday that I'd been to see TransFormers at IMAX. Gotta say, fourth time, I'm still liking it. Obviously the sound was crystal clear this time, so there was no difficulty in understanding any of the robot dialogue. Even Frenzy's bizarre mutterings became clear (particularly when he beheads himself with one of his own razor discs and - quite obviously - says "Oh, shit..."). The robots looked awesome and, while I'd disagree that the fight scenes were blurry on the massive IMAX screen, that format in general is a very convincing argument against the juddery camerawork that has become de rigeur in Hollywood.

Did the extra 2 minutes add anything to the movie? Not really... Just another couple of gags and a few redundant scenes. Nothing that will be missed on the DVD release.

Did IMAX presentation add anything to the movie? Well... Yes and no. It's the same movie, warts and all... but the giant robots really were giant, and the detail on them was phenomenal. Seeing Bonecrusher's highway transformation on such a large screen was worth the entrance fee alone. I would urge anyone who liked the movie to catch its limited engagement in IMAX

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