Wednesday 17 October 2007


Having forgotten all about this, I've just tried posting a few pictures of the almost-finished Cybertron Sabrewulf repaint I've been working on, only to find that I can't currently post photos.

I'll give it a go tomorrow...

I keep telling myself that I take my holiday during this particular press week because the magazine is of a manageable size, and generally isn't too problematic... I now realise that's completely untrue.

The Sales Manager is still pretty inept, his team are insane (actually, one isn't that bad... he's just a bit loud and brash. The other one has no filtration between brain and mouth, so she ends up letting an entire stream of consciousness spill out of her gob without ever considering what she's saying or how it sounds. Seriously, one conversation I had with her some time ago went from comic book superheroes to accusations of sexual deviance when I humphed in response to one of her dumb comments), and the editor is bizarre. On the one hand, she's enthusiastic and cares about her content... on the other, she spends more time larking about with 'her' designer (ahem... I think you'll find that's my designer) than any other editor, and that occasionally gets in the way of her designing of ads and suchlike. That which pays the bills. The current theory is that the (bisexual) editor fancies 'her' designer. I don't doubt it.

Sounds like I'm in for a rum old time when I go back next Monday... the editor of my next magazine has been causing trouble and getting angry over very silly things.

Much like the rest of them, then.

I've managed to make a few waves in the office without even being there, by spying on the progress of today's magazine... and catching a mistake. Bizarrely, none of the monkeys I work with seem to have twigged that an internet-based file delivery system can be accessed from anywhere that has internet access... like my home.

Like, duh.

Today's writing went well... it's all very piecemeal. I can't seem to write any narrative from start to finish these days. It's always "beginning, end, middle, bits towards the end, bits around the middle, bits towards the beginning, more bits around the middle..." However it happens, as long as it works, it works and that's all that matters... it's only ever troublesome when the beginning, middle and end don't quite match up where they're supposed to.

Anyway. Tired now... Want to do some reading before I turn in...

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