Tuesday 9 October 2007

Familiar Faces

Over the weekend, I popped into Harrow to get a replacement for my factory-ruined TF Movie Strongarm, and browse for a new winter coat. On the former, I was successful. On the latter, I was not.

I have sometimes noticed that however grumpy shop staff look when I get to them, I've normally got a smile out of them before I leave... Strange, that. Also weird is that certain shops have a policy whereby, if they cannot determine the price of the item you wish to purchase, they will make a price up. Because of this, I ended up paying an extra £3 for the replacement Strongarm, as it's meant to be £7.99, but I was originally only charged a random £4.99 because the barcode wasn't recognised by the reader. Oh well. This new one works, and doesn't have a glue spillage in one knee.

Of coats, there were plenty... just none in my size. It's amazing that Small is such a popular size, really... I could make do with a Medium but, frankly, if I'm paying £80+ for a winter jacket, I'd like it to fit, please.

As I left Harrow, I glimpsed a familiar face out of the corner of my eye... One of the Salesmen I worked with years ago, back when I first started in my current job. Either that, or someone startlingly like him. I must admit, the guy I saw in Harrow seemed shorter than the Salesman I remember... but it's been so long, I couldn't be sure. Same smile... definitely same nose.

It is perhaps because of this that I did something very silly before I went to bed last night... Seeing one familiar face possibly stirred the need to see some more... Whatever.

Let's get one thing very straight: I loathe Facebook. I don't see the point of it, beyond the adolescent need to create a sense of community for oneself by having dozens of people you don't know add you to their list of friends because you're a friend of a friend of a friend... of a friend. I also loathe it because so many people at work seem to spend their entire lives either down the pub, or in Facebook.

Get lives, people.

Anyway... Adding to the "What possessed me?" file of utter stupidity, curiosity got the better of me and I popped over to Facebook late last night and tapped in a few names.

Really, they were names I should never want to utter ever again... Names I'd do well to forget... And yet they are names I can't seem to rid myself of.

And because I found a couple of them (the others probably wouldn't use their own names) and because they're looking happy (God forbid), I found myself flustered and unable to sleep.

They're still out there... and, I guess, I still need closure.

I am very angry with myself right now.

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