Thursday 13 September 2007


For the time being I'm not even going to try to recap any of what's happened or not happened since my last post... There's just too much, and I didn't (couldn't) keep on top of it at the time. Suffice it to say, things have been crazy.

So instead of a massive, rambling post, I'm just going to do a very quick movie review...

1408 is a fine example of horror by the numbers (Aha... 'by the numbers'? 1408?). Not only is it an adaptation of a novel (by Steven King which, let's face it, probably tells you all you need to know considering the quality of most other Steven King adaptations), but it's full of things you've seen elsewhere. It's very well done... just extremely bland. It has its share of shocks, but it squanders them. It utterly wastes its two stars - John Cusack is on fine form, but the film barely demanded anything of him, and Sam Jackson probably got the gig because the casting people knew he could deliver his few lines in his sleep and still sound good. I was suitably entertained, but there was nothing new about it, and the ending seemed deliberately obscure...

Curiously, the credits were rolling when I went in. Evidently the previous audience (if, indeed, there was a previous audience) left so quickly the cleaning crew were finished before the credits had finished. As the credits rolled again, I spotted a mouse in the aisle toward the front of the room... Easy pickings, with all that popcorn around.

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