Thursday 21 July 2011

That Was The Other Thing...

Yesterday morning, I had a very strange, very brief power cut. It was accompanied by an alarm going off down the street and - possibly by sheer coincidence - a lot of people running around outside. It was about the time of day when people might be running to their offices to minimise their lateness, or they may all have been running to pick up the bus that was approaching... Who knows?

After only a couple of minutes, the alarm stopped, and power returned... If I'd phoned my electricity supplier to report the interruption, power would probably have been restored before I finished giving them my details.


I mean, I can only assume that the alarm and the interruption were somehow connected... but it's not as if anyone was digging up the road/pavement nearby...

Weirder still, when I checked on my boiler to ensure it was back up and running, it's clock was something like an hour out... So it seems there have been other power cuts while I've been asleep or out of the flat.

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