Saturday 4 May 2013

Spring Dreaming

It's always fun when I have one of my completely bizarre dreams, even if they contain an element of (somewhat) believable peril. Last night, I had a curious mish-mash which involved trying to use something which was described as 'a lavatory' despite being nothing more than a metal pipework frame attached to the floor by a hinge in the corner of a room with no door... while Elijah Wood looked on from down the corridor. There was also quite a long sequence where I was apparently on the run from some shadowy organisation, with a young girl in tow. The bad guys were after the girl rather than me but, upon cornering us in a diner and finding she was happy with me, decided to just tag the both of us (strange LED-type things that actually looked like miniature electronic pomegranate seeds, and which fell off after a while, so I'm not sure if they were the tags or merely the delivery method)... and kill everyone else in the diner. My parents were among the other patrons and, just to make this dream all the more sensible, the bad guys dressed everyone up in costumes (my father was wearing a Batman mask) before killing them... in broad daylight, and in full view of the cartoon characters walking past outside. Just before I woke up, I was about to spring into action to rescue everyone... or at least prevent the murder of my parents.

I've had confirmation that my current source of work will be drying up in just over a month, when the woman I'm covering will be returning to work. On the one hand, it's upsetting... the work has (for the most part) been lots of fun and the people I've been working with are pretty cool (when they're not being hideously lazy and irresponsible, and trying to blame me for the results). The products, too, are kind of cool, considering their raison d'être. I've been able to use my skills and develop new ones... which is about the best kind of working environment you can hope for...

...But they're in the midst of great changes and, frankly, I foresee them trimming their staff quite dramatically in the coming months and years. Even if I'd ended up with a full-time job there, I wouldn't expect it to last. I've been there for most of a year, on and off, and that was enough of a surprise.

Plus, I've felt underutilised quite often, it has been rather frustrating a lot of the time (see the aforementioned abdication of responsibility), and in the last month or two there have been several occasions where my partner has assumed that I've picked up some vital bit of information either telepathically or by osmosis, and so I've 'neglected' to do something quite important. The lot of a Temp is a strange one... do well enough, and long enough, and people assume that you're part of the furniture and don't need to be told to do anything. When there are things to be done that the Temp has never before done, however, that can be a little tricky.

I'm rather hoping for a short break, and then - fingers crossed - a return to full-time gainful employment.

Which reminds me... I should have been working on my CV today...

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