Sunday 19 May 2013

Further Weirdness of a Strangely Familiar Kind

I've probably mentioned in past posts that I dream about being in toy shops almost as often as I walk into them in real life (perhaps moreso... difficult to judge). There's also a strange phenomenon whereby I dream about the same toy shop or shops over and over again. Such was the case recently, though the fictional toy shop in question was in a terrible state of disrepair and had far less stock than it had on my previous visit. It had two, possibly three single-sided racks/shelf units, each about three feet high, with jewellers cases on top for the 'special selections', though there wasn't a great deal in terms of quantity. That said, most of the items on show seemed to be (possibly fake) test shots of TransFormers toys, molded almost uniformly in lurid greens and pinks.

I kept browsing the same selection, poring over and over the same few displays, almost desperately trying to find something I'd consider shelling out money for, something to justify my presence in the shop. Eventually, I settled on something that looked remarkably like the recently revealed Generations Voyager class Sandstorm, but even that seemed to be broken when I went to pay for it (though what I actually remember was that a sort of fake leather seat was torn open... I can't even be sure it was actually part of the toy!).

However, rather than taking my money, they guy behind the counter took me aside and warned me that I'd been targeted by a hacker/group of hackers on eBay, as evidenced by email from a specific name or pair of names saying "I've done what you asked... see you soon." At this point, I either decided not to buy anything, or was kicked out of the shop... all I know for sure is that I left empty-handed.

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