Wednesday 18 April 2012

Intermittent Rain

Interesting coincidence: I'm watching a Let's Play of the new Silent Hill game - Downpour - and getting rather frustrated with possibly the least observant Let's Player in existence (mentioning no names - I'll praise the good ones by name, but the bad ones aren't worth looking up), who somehow manages to be looking in exactly the wrong direction every time the game attempts a jump-scare (and so he'll comment about the game being cool for leaving out the jump-scares), search the same - empty - locations several times, only to loop back later "just to double-check", and complain that the game doesn't differentiate between things you can pick up to use as a weapon (of which you may only carry one at a time) and things that go into your inventory, or offer any explanation of what it's signalling that you can 'Pick Up'.

Because clearly looking at the object isn't an option. And I don't mean selecting an 'Examine' option within the game, I just mean looking at what's on screen. It's detailed enough, for crying out loud.

Anyway... I'm sitting here, watching this playthrough of a Silent Hill game where the Otherworld is based around water and you get rainstorms rather than snow and fog (although there still seems to be some fog, it's more atmospheric rather than to disguise draw-in distances) and, every so often, the rain is pelting down outside.

And I mean really pelting. At times, it has looks as if it's coming down at very nearly 45 degrees, though the wind doesn't look that high during the dry spells. These dry spells are brief, but tend to be very much brighter, and end up broken by light rain which then leads back into the next deluge.

So far today, I've had two phone calls from one of the careers folks at the local council, one responding to my emailed 'speculative application' letter (and blaming "the IT people" for the delay), the other with another new potential lead... Having just looked at it, it's unlikely to be of any use... but then, at the last meeting, didn't I note down the details of a vacancy for a trainee mortuary technician..?

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