Tuesday 13 December 2011

Baby, It's Damp Outside...

I was going to write a post about the Nicholas Cage movie, Knowing, that was on last night (followed by White Noise 2: The Light, which I also watched)... but then I noticed just about every post recently has been about either a movie or a videogame, so I changed my mind. Shame, really, because I'd decided on the title: "What's the Point of Knowing?"

It's a bit of a pun, you see... because the question crops up during the movie, and it's a question the studio should have more rigorously contemplated before going into production.

There's other stuff to write about, of course...

Over the weekend, I went to see Puss In Boots... oh, shit, that's a movie, isn't it? OK... Next!

My folks have had to skip on over to my sister's place to look after the baby (not that young Kate is really a baby anymore... 2 and a half, and toddling merrily) because she's still poorly, and my sister has to get back to work. While Kate is unwell (particularly considering the nature of the illness - I shan't go into details) the childminder won't take her for fear of creating an epidemic among the toddlers. That wouldn't be pretty.

By this time last year, we'd had huge amounts of snow... this year, it's clearly much warmer (despite the central heating in my flat suggesting otherwise) because we're suffering torrential downpours of rain. While it's really chucking it down, I can't even hear the trains going by... it's really that loud. I mean, seriously... holy crap, is it loud...

Naturally, I'm checking my ceilings - hall and bedroom mainly, as I know the bathroom is a writeoff - and, thankfully, can't see any signs of the leaks spreading... so far.

It's kind of funny... Last year, London ground to a halt under a couple of inches of snow (I'm sure certain officials would say it was more than 'a couple of inches' but, in town, it never really got deeper than that)... This year, probably the same volume of water is falling from the skies, but in a different form... and each downpour is over far quicker than snow would have been.

So, much as I'm concerned about the rain... I'm rather glad it is just rain for the moment. And, of course, it makes a skewed kind of sense that last year looked like Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, and this year is turning out like Silent Hill: Downpour.

I can't say I'll regret the passing of this year too much... Well, that is, I regret that I didn't do more with it... but, all told, considering my bank balance only went downward, I'd be in a bigger mess than I currently am if I'd done much more with the year.

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