Friday 18 February 2011

Interesting Fact...

If one tries to post more than about 50 updates in any 24 hour period in Blogger, it turns on word verification.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work all the time... sometimes it just refuses to save changes to your posts, citing a 'form failure', without displaying the word verification form.

I learned this by attempting to get ahead of myself - or, some might say, merely trying to catch up - in another of my blogs. There are many Photobucket images involved and, in an attempt to get the tedious loading of images out of the way, I made a whole bunch of templated draft posts, so all I need to do is fill in the text that's to go with the images.

Of course, that has actually been the stumbling block all along... but now I have nigh on fifty posts ready to go whenever I have time/inclination to write them up, perhaps I'll be more inclined to do the blasted writing.

It has to be worth a try, right?

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