Wednesday 29 December 2010


Not too long ago, I found I'd had a text message from an ex-colleague. She'd texted pretty much first thing this morning (while I was still asleep) to say she'd turned up at work, but no-one else was there. I failed to notice the flashing light on my phone somehow, until about half past three, having been up and about in the flat and out doing some local food shopping in the interim.

I called her back with the details she had asked for, though it transpired that she'd got in touch with another ex-colleague in the meantime, who'd informed her that she shouldn't be back at the office till next week. Sadly, this was the same colleague who'd got nasty with her at the Christmas Party over her flirtatious behaviour with at least one of the Salespeople. That can't have been a fun conversation...

Not much else to report (so why the hell am I blogging at all?)... Having checked the Uxbridge times for Tron Legacy, it seems it's only showing in the late evening... and I can't say I fancy going out that late, even to see the long-awaited sequel to one of my favourite films from my formative years...

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