Thursday 25 December 2008

Yule Blog #1

A friend recently asked me if I was still blogging, and I replied (I seem to recall) with a perfunctory "on and off".

I has seemed, over the last few months, that it has been far more off than on, but I really haven't had a lot that I wanted to say.

Even this, at the moment, is more for the sake of writing something than having something to write about. But better to write about nothing than write nothing.

Christmas really has lost its magic for me. It starts earlier and earlier each year (even - or perhaps particularly - in times of economic stress), but no matter how many streets get lit up with gaudy Christmas lights, the whole thing is a very empty experience. I don't feel part of it the way I used to. I don't feel any excitement building toward Christmas Day, and that's not just because I already know what I'm getting (having bought most of it myself).

People will harp on about the commercialisation of Christmas (except not so much this year, because we all need to make money), but it's not just that. And it's not just the looming threat of recession that dulls the celebrations.

No idea what it is... Mostly, for me, I'm concerned about my flat (when am I moving in, for crying out loud?), my folks (particularly now the cat's dead, the house is going to be very quiet once I'm gone, and I'll be worrying about them), my sister (announcing the pregnancy so early, I dread what might happen between now and August 2009... and, despite my fondest dream of having five kids, I doubt the wisdom of bringing another new life into this tumultuous world).

So when Christmas Day rolls round, and I'd rather turn over, pull the duvet over my head and go back to sleep, I know that's not an option I can choose... The family will be gathering, as usual.

My mother popped out to collect her mother around midday. I was sort-of-napping, and found my Grandmother in the lounge when I went downstairs for a drink. I think I heard her arrive, but wasn't entirely conscious at the time, so it didn't really register.

My sister and her husband arrived at about 2.30, which gave them ample time to settle before the Queen's Speech.

Presents were exchanged shortly thereafter. My 2008 haul is as follows:

Watchmen - Graphic novel, on my want list for years, but I never bothered picking it up whenever I saw it, until this year, because of the upcoming movie. I passed it on to my mother for a present.

Belkin Laptop Cooling Stand - on my want list for a few months, and particularly timely because my laptop recently shut itself down when I left it on to write a DVD.

Kitchen Stuff - specifically hooks and rails for hanging towels and things from my parents, and starter sets of cutlery, plates, pots, pans, etc from my grandmother.

A chocolate bell - from my sister, along with the cryptic remark that it was a substitute present because the real one hadn't arrived.

A Chinese tea set - from my boss, because she'd threatened new mugs every year now that I have a flat.

A Clockwork Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still (the original) - also from my boss, an as a substitute for the light tent which hadn't arrived in time.

That's all for now... Dinner is being served...
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