Tuesday 22 January 2008

And other things

I may have found one possible source of my computer's performance issues.

It's a web browser called Firefox.

It's the browser I've been using for ages, because I didn't want to use Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, and because Mozilla basically foisted the upgrade on me.

Over the weekend and this evening, I started using Mozilla as my browser again and, sure enough, I've had little to no slowdown. Mozilla does tend to crash on certain sites but, for those, I can use Explorer without taking a performance hit.

Perhaps I should download a fresh copy of Firefox and try again...

In work news, my senior designer will now only be in the office for one more day this week - Thursday - and working from home for the rest. This is a good thing on balance because, although it means my other two designers have to do all the ads between them and it's a large magazine, a good proportion of the ads will be repeats or supplied complete, and there won't be quite so much distraction for them. As far as my senior designer goes, it's probably better that he's not in the office. While he was talking about coming into work to help take his mind off things, the net result was that he spent even more time yapping - either about football, or his health, or his mother being in hospital. Only one of those topics would help him take his mind off things, and I don't think even that was working too well.

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