Saturday 14 January 2012

With Great Responsibility Comes... Er...

So, after lunch, my sister asked to have a word with me in private. Then she suggested that I might want to sit down. Then she said that she and her husband were planning to make some changes to their will.

And then she asked me if I'd be willing to become my niece's legal guardian in the event of their deaths.

I guess it's one of those questions one might preface with "there's no easy way to ask this..."

It's an unlikely occurrence, to be sure, but while I accepted quickly (and glibly?), it only later sank in what an awesome responsibility it would be... now, or at any age.

...I guess this is how my sister and her husband feel all the time now.

In other news, "In your face, power companies!" - my Direct Debit 'contributions' have pretty much doubled this year (certainly for gas, if not electricity), and are four or five times what I initially signed up to when I switched to my current supplier a few years ago. Last year, by first bill of the year was scary, to the tune of a £140-odd deficit. This year, with my higher 'contributions' and - evidently - lower consumption, they have over £200 of my money that they really shouldn't.

I may request a refund.

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