Tuesday 13 September 2011

Kinda, Sorta Doing Things

I've spent an awful lot of time lately doing nothing. Although, when I say 'nothing', I mean nothing constructive or in any way useful, rather than absolutely nothing.

I have mentioned several times by now that I am fascinated by the YouTube phenomenon of "Let's Play" videos, where someone basically records themselves playing a video game, usually with commentary, and uploads it to the 'Tube for to entertain and edify the world at large.

Some of them are utterly brilliant - I'd strongly advise anyone to look up Helloween4545 for horror games - and some of them are distinctly variable. I've lost count of the number of Let's Plays I've had to give up on, because the player keeps making utterly infuriating mistakes/decisions, or misses something that - to an observer, at least - are blindingly obvious. Yes, I shout at the screen... I'm that kind of LP audience member.

However good or bad they are, though, they are an awful time sink. Far too often, lately, I've got up, done whatever needs doing urgently, then sat down at the computer to watch 'a couple of videos', only to find it's suddenly something like 6pm, and I'm feeling a bit peckish.

Not good.

And, while I'm watching other people playing games, I'm not even making progress on the games I've bought myself... not even the new release, Xenoblade Chronicles.

Also means that I'm not doing some things which, while not 'urgent', as such, are quite important.

Today, finally, I managed to convince myself to get on with some of that constructive work... Though started quite late in the day, so I haven't done as much as I coulda, shoulda, woulda.

In other news, the folks who employed me for two and a half days recently have already asked for me back... tentatively. Last I heard, the dates weren't fixed, but it's liable to be only three days. Still, not to be sniffed at. The same agency had also offered me a 2 week stint at another company, though they have yet to confirm whether or not they want me at all, and there was a possible 6 month contract, though that turned out to be a position far higher up the food chain that I've ever worked before. I figured safest not to, considering it sounded like they needed someone to hit the ground running, and I'd need some training...

Then, today, a friend alerted me to the fact that another agency has a permanent vacancy for a designer at an Estate Agency. I've turned down a job like that before - while I was still employed - because I didn't think it'd keep me busy enough... Now... well... beggars can't be choosers... Income of any kind would be welcome...

My own projects could, conceivably, turn into an income... but it's unlikely to be the kind that could support me for quite some time...

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