Saturday 18 October 2008

Third night

It has become a habit of mine to spend Friday nights at my flat. The first couple were rather unsettled and restless but last night was much better, with a couple of odd exceptions.

I woke up suddenly around 3am, convinced I'd just heard my front door open (or close). This was highly unlikely, but I went to check anyway. Either I was dreaming the sound, or it came from one of the other flats, because all was quiet.

When I finally got back to sleep, I had a strange dream involving an ex-colleague, but set at my parents' house, in the lounge.

Not a perfect night's sleep by a long shot, but the bags under my eyes are much reduced.

Work last week wasn't much fun. I've been getting a little behind in some flatplans (though steaming ahead on others), and my boss - what with her husband in hospital and everything - hasn't been doing a great job of keeping things moving along.

Friday's magazine went out quite late and, since I was in the office late trying to arrange an 8-page cut to my Monday (now Tuesday) magazine, I helped out a little and uploaded some of the last few pages.

Today, I've managed to pick flooring for the kitchen at my flat and make a tentative decision on carpet for the lounge - assisted by the guy who runs the shop, who advised against a dark carpet, as it would show up dirt, dust, etc. While the lounge is not high on the 'To Do' list, it's nice to have a good idea of what I'm going to do with it.
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