Sunday 4 March 2007


Feeling better about life in general at the moment... but then, it's quite rare for me to be truly 'down' for very long. I can be depressed for ages, but it rarely infringes on my inherent optimism for long.

So, what's brought about this change? Not work, certainly. That's as stupid as ever, what with the crazy new structure that's about to come in. Proposed to Publishing Director by silly, selfish Senior Designer, sold to both Group Production Manager and MD as A Rather Good Idea, but now no-one is quite so sure of that as they were. The new structure has even been described as 'controversial' by one of its greatest proponents. Hah.

It's not that I've finally got round to getting my hair cut, either. Shedding my winter coat - as it were - might signify grand change in terms of outward appearance but, facing facts, the only real change is that (a) it now takes 30 seconds to wash my hair, and 30 seconds to dry it and (b) it's no longer stabbing me in the eyes.

Don't get me wrong, that's all good and such... but it's hardly going to make me look at the world differently.

Really, this is just the natural ebb and flow of what is essentially me. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm down... and the right people with the right words at the right time (not to mention the occasional game of air-hockey) can do wonders for switching my mood. Hearing from someone by phone or email after a long quiet is good, too.

This is set to be a busy month for me. I've got my hospital appointment to get my ears checked out, I'm seeing Nine Inch Nails live (with earplugs, just to be safe), and the Spring Memorabilia show at the Birmingham NEC. OK, three 'big' events in one month may not sound like much, but that's fairly busy by my standards.

The NIN gig I'm looking forward to because they always put on a good show, and they have a new album out soon - a concept album, no less, with lots of political stuff going on. Does this mean... that... Trent Reznor has... got over himself... and seen that the outside world is just as bonkers as his whiny introspection?

Seriously, we're talking lyrics about American foreign policy here. Distrust of the Administration, and everything. The Hand That Feeds was just the first step in a road towards something more than Reznor's own self-hatred. Golly, but I'm proud of him ;)

Memorabilia should be fun for many reasons. Firstly, it always is, just because it's a great big geeky event full of collectables. It's as if a hall at the NEC is transformed into a department store, but almost all the departments are toys. And with the TransFormers live action movie coming up in the summer, rumour has it that Hasbro are looking to turn Memorabilia and its ilk into TransFormers events... whether that means this one or the summer one, I'm not sure... But I am sure I'll enjoy finding out.

These events are also an excuse to be out of the house for a good part of the weekend, staying in a nice hotel and having lots of fun. Oh yes.

The ear thing is still a worry. I'm sure my hearing isn't as good as it used to be. Occasionally, it still seems muffled, and my tinnitus is definitely far worse in my left ear, if not the right as well. Hopefully the ENT Specialist can shed light on that, and the reasons for my almost-constant congestion, and my susceptibility to throat problems.

Now I've literally just had one of those "Oh, shit" moments of remembrance... I'm supposed to draw an Easter Bunny for a colouring competition for one of the magazines at work... I was thinking about it during the week, but it got completely blanked this weekend. Nuts... and I'm off to the cinema soon...

Going to see Ghost Rider, another Marvel Comics adaptation, and kind of the template for anti-Superheroes like Spawn. Could be good... More later ;)

Had a long, rambling chat with my sister yesterday, following her holiday to Egypt and Jordon. Sounds like it was fab, and some holiday snaps have made it up onto her own blog (she went LJ, the fool!). She sounds well and positive, and had just been in touch with an old friend who's now living in New Zealand. They'd been out of touch for a while, not least because the friend had been in hospital following the birth of her child (9lbs! It's a monster!). Later, they were off to visit another friend for his birthday, and then stay the weekend with another friend.

Anyway, I have to fix some lunch and get ready to go out...

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