Wednesday 19 March 2014

Random Flowers

When I first moved into my flat, there was a small plant pot outside which seemed to have been used most frequently as a receptacle for cigarette butts. Over the years I've lived here, I've never actually done anything with it, but it has been supplemented by a hanging 'herb' basket by the kitchen window and a rather more ornate 'strawberry' planter out on the balcony.

Those words are in quotes because I never got round to using any herbs so, after the original set died out, the basket went wild pretty quickly, and because the strawberry planter never actually produced any strawberries and - guess what - went wild as soon as the strawberry plant died.

Friends and family have nagged me every so often to get rid of the weeds and replant them all with something sensible but, each year, I get a different selection of flora appearing on my doorstep. Here's the current line-up:
This may get replanted, but I don't have thyme right now...

It's like an explosion of grasses

OK, so the former strawberry planter and herb basket are displaying nothing more than a selection of various grasses, but the main pot has had different flowers every year so far, without me ever planting a single seed or putting in any effort whatsoever. Granted, this will probably end with a crop of Triffids but, for the moment, I'm quite content to let nature take its course.

My girlfriend is quite keen to properly replant the herb basket and, since that's potentially useful, it's quite likely to happen at some point in the future... but I'd never describe myself as having a green thumb, so the other two can quite happily remain gloriously wild, and add some seasonal colour to the place.

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