Wednesday 20 June 2012

It Had To Happen

So, last night, I had my first dream set entirely in the office I'm working in now. I forget the details (it has been more than 12 hours since I woke up, and I didn't take notes at the time) but, essentially, I had a difference of opinion with one of the Salesmen. A loud one.

Funnily enough, it was one of the Salesmen who's just gone on holiday, so that just makes it seem like the typical 'defragging of the subconscious' sort of dream... the situation was more the kind of thing that I'd expect from my old place, rather than this one.


Finished watching Torchwood: Miracle Day this evening and have to admit it wasn't half as terrible as I'd thought, based on what I'd heard about it from people who watched it when it was originally broadcast. My main complaints would be the jumbled, flabby story with far too many loose ends (the Soulless are pretty much a one-episode thing, the 45 Club only rates one mention, Dead Is Dead gets left for dead) too many extraneous characters get introduced just so they can get killed - blown up, generally - and far too many serious vacillations in personality and motivation.

What's really weird is that, having sat through it, I'm all the more convinced that Torchwood should and could continue, and it seems that, far from pulling the plug, Starz is willing to wait for it, rather than rushing to produce a new series.

Time to get working...

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