Sunday 20 May 2012

Power Outage

Obviously it's all back up and running now but, not long after 9pm, everything in my home suddenly and unceremoniously shut down. There's an alarm somewhere down the road that goes off whenever the power goes (not very often, thankfully) which has become part of the soundtrack to the area. I'm guessing it's one of those burglar alarms that's rigged to go off in the event of losing power.

Shortly after everything kicked off, I heard sirens... I figured it might be an ambulance responding to someone blowing themselves up, but it seems it was a fire engine. It parked outside the station, and four firemen spread out, looking for something. Not sure whether they found it or not, but the fire engine drove off a little way after a few minutes.

In all, I think the power was out for something like 20 minutes (amusingly, it came back on just as I was setting out candles as a precaution, having spoken to my folks a few moments before to update them on my OMGDRAMA!) but, typically, that was 20 minutes in the middle of a TV show I was watching. That'll teach me to watch the +1 airing of a show, rather than the standard channel... Oh well, there's always the repeat during the week.

Kind of beats me why we have so many TV channels, even on Freeview only, if so many of them are taken up with repeats... then again, sometimes, it comes in handy.

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