Friday 18 June 2010

Terrible Lack of Holiday Updates!

Something in me is very much drifting away from the concept of any form of writing... Which is upsetting, considering the vast and far-reaching plans I have.

That said, I've always been better at the planning than the execution. I resist writing detailed notes because part of me then decides I've done enough, and I make no further progress (as shown by the folder on my computer containing more than ten stories in varying degrees of note form, from as long ago as 2003).

So, lacking any notes on the subject, I shall merely mention that I popped over to my sister's place in Swindon on Monday to visit my rapidly-growing niece, who may not yet be able to speak coherently, but she has two teeth and can almost stand unaided. That's given me a good idea for her Birthday present next month.

I returned home on Tuesday, had a birthday lunch with my folks on Wednesday following some shopping, and have been basically lazing around since, not getting much done till today. I've written my letter of complaint to my bank, as they are charging me £150 for withdrawing from my mortgage offer... I was not unaware of this fee, but I hardly expected it to be applied following three months of their utter incompetence.

On a lighter note, my sister has a fridge magnet poetry set. Whilst I was up there, I came up with the following:

Stare not into elaborate shadows,
Leave these ugly yet luscious visions.
None above sag sadly there,
When her languid moaning,
Delirious in bitterness,
Robs me of my dreams.

Going by the other content of her fridge door - other than the obvious joke poems and non-sequiturs - the pervading emotion in fridge magnet poetry is melancholy.

I suspect there were other things I wanted to do with my week off... Some more shopping would have been useful, but not necessary... and it transpires that one of the things I was hoping to find may not be necessary after all - I've been trying to find either the original TF: Energon, or the more recent Universe re-release of Bruticus (Maximus), so I'd have a full set ready for the arrival of my FansProject Crossfire Explorer/Munitioner sets... but it turns out the place I ordered from has sold out. I shall try to find an alternate supplier, but there aren't many options over here...

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