Sunday 4 May 2014

Probably Tempting Fate

Around this time last year, I was suddenly and unexpectedly plagued by ants in my kitchen. It took several months after they were eventually cleared (if not by the ant killer sprayed liberally around by me, then by the professional poison dotted around my kitchen and bathroom) for me to stop checking the corners of the kitchen every morning and evening.

So it will probably come as no surprise that I started checking again back in February... continuing right the way through March and April, and over the last four days.

Thing is, I still don't know where they came from and why they were seething around my kitchen. The occasional moth I could understand - even more so after I realised there were eggs in one of my cupboards after I'd had three or four larva crawling around the ceilings over the course of a few weeks - but ants were a mystery. The exterminator reckoned they only ever set up shop near a source of water, and suggested a leaky pipe somewhere in the flat but I've seen no evidence of anything of the sort (leaky roof being more likely, all things considered, but then why the kitchen, so far from where the leak is affecting my ceilings?).

Still, it's nice to find that, so far, I've not been troubled by ants all over again this year. Let's hope that continues...

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