Sunday 14 October 2012

Clear Skies and... Brrrrrrr!

Following neatly on from the last posting, I took another of my shopping trips yesterday. Ostensibly to get myself some light/pale jumpers, as all the ones I have are either dark or red, which can cause laundry issues at the time of year when I most need jumpers. My devious side-quest was to go in search of new TransFormers: Prime figures, since it's now a couple of weeks since I found the Wave 2 Voyagers on sale.

The reason this follows neatly is that the weather while I was out was absolutely fine (up until I started making my way home, when a light drizzle started). Bright, mostly clear skies... but the beginnings of colder weather. Still... good weather can only mean success in shopping, right?

All talk of bonkers superstitions aside... it was indeed a successful trip. I returned home with two new jumpers - though I shall elaborate on that shortly - several pairs of thicker socks, and two new TF: Prime toys, meaning I'm now up-to-date with all the toys I actually want. Not only that, but the two new ones are unbelievably cool. I was feeling lukewarm toward Knock Out because the paint job is so lacking (seriously, if you thought TF: Prime Bumblebee was light on paintwork, Knockout is ridiculous, both in terms of the extent of the paintwork and its show accuracy) but, in hand, the figure is pretty awesome. It helps to see it transformed properly, rather than in the 'not-quite-there, saggy headlight boobs' form in which it appears most frequently online and, even then, it's not without flaws... but it's a great toy, and that's what matters. Vehicon, meanwhile, is a triumph of toy engineering - the way most of the car shell concertinas into the legs, rather than lurking around on his back in robot mode, is quite incredible!

So... The new jumpers...

Something I noticed while out shopping is that jumpers are invariably dark. Those that aren't are either hideous artificial fibre static generators, incredibly expensive forms of wool, or beige. I'm sure I've mentioned somewhere my feelings on beige.

I did find some jumpers in a sort of minty green but, since I own precisely nothing that would go with a jumper of that colour, I felt it best to move along. No way am I going to fork out for a whole new wardrobe just to match or complement one new jumper.

What I got was one sky/duck egg blue jumper and one in light grey that has that fake-shirt-collar thing. Haven't tried them on yet because I'm about to put my lights into the laundry, but the time will come soon enough.

In other news, it appears that I am now, effectively, in full-time employment until January, and one of my two regular employers is still in discussions about keeping me on after that for an additional few months. Since these are the same folks who procrastinated about putting me on a 12-month contract because they were closing down one of the titles I was working on, I'm not holding out much hope. That said, the title they closed is now back in operation... but only in digital form. Having decided to ditch the magazine completely, they've relaunched it as a (freely?) downloadable PDF title with the same production values as the print version. In fact, the process of putting the magazine together is essentially identical - the only difference is that the final PDFs are never sent to a Printworks.

Backpeddling, anyone?

Still, though it may appear to be a ray of hope, there are so many variables in the equation that it's just not worth getting excited about.

The best bit of news I've had in a while is that I've been able to transfer some money back into my savings. Only two grand so far (compared to the approximately ten grand I had to siphon off over the last 12 months), but it's a start... and it's a good start...

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