Sunday 9 December 2007

A Startling Truth

OK, dramatic title, not so dramatic subject: I've just realised that, barring any new stuff that tickles my fancy, my collection of TransFormers is almost as complete as I want it to be.

Let's tackle the movie stuff first, because that's recent and easy:

Optimus Prime

Rescue Ratchet

2008 Bumblebee
'Stealth' Arcee
'Stealth' Bumblebee

Three more to go, and I'm done. The rest of the repaints aren't exactly lighting my candle.

I've already got more than I originally intended to get in the Galaxy Force/Cybertron line (though I may cave in and get Chromia/Thunderblast, just for the sake of it), all I want in the Superlink/Energon line, and all the halfway decent stuff in the Micron Legend/Armada line. Classics is also complete (including this year's BotCon set!), I have all the Robots in Disguise/Car Robots that I want (including 2 BotCon Lamborghinis), and all the worthwhile Binaltech/Alternators. With my recent purchases of Rattrap (BW and BM flavours!) and Airazor, I'm pretty much done with Beast Wars/Machines too... I may get some of the BW reissues - original Cheetor, Tigatron, Waspinator, Rhinox, maybe even Dinobot - and I continue to debate picking up Tigerhawk and 'Big Red Dragon' Megatron, but that's really it.

Going back to G1, there are a few of the Autobots I'd like to grab - Mirage, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker... maybe Bluestreak and Smokescreen - but, thanks to various reissues, I've got pretty much everything I wanted but missed out on 20-odd years ago.

I'm far from being a completist. In all things, I get what I like the look of, or whatever amuses me (I'm looking at you, Beast Wars Break!). They don't have to be any good, either (G1 Wheelie, anyone?).

It's a weird feeling... Just about everything I still want should be reasonably easy to find (G1 Mirage and Sunstreaker are being 'unofficially reissued' by some very talented knock-off merchants) and so, until the next line, there's nothing to hunt.

On the subject of the next line, Animated... It's all very impressive, but clearly aimed at kids. Sure, they all are... but Animated really looks it. I'll probably get Optimus Prime and Megatron... Possibly Bumblebee, Lockdown, Prowl and Starscream... Maybe even Blitzwing and Blackarachnia... But that'll leave me with nothing to look forward to until the next Movie line.

Oh, and the TFCC Exclusives. I'm debating (read: not really interested in) the Seacons, curious about this other exclusive they're hinting toward, and very keen to finish the Club Combiner (for which I'll need to renew one more time). I'm hoping they'll come up with something exciting after that, because I really like being a member...

But, seriously... All the TransFormers I want? Surely some mistake?

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