Monday 8 January 2007

Things Not Done

So, yes, here we are in the New Year. My second week back at work has begun (and we're not doing too badly, so far). I'm starting to piece together the full list of things I wanted to do with the Christmas Break, but didn't get round to.

First and foremost, I still haven't done anything about Look, Monkiez!, which is a crying shame. They even have names now. There's drummer Murphy Richards (Morphy Richards being a manufacturer of household electricals, much like Russel Hobbs), keyboardist/vocalist 36D (a man with a breast fixation if ever there was one), a bassist known only as 'Morlock' who's actually a toff slumming it with the band, and Anime-nut and frequent cosplayer Sacha 'Sashimi-chan' Richards, who's also Murphy's sister.

Of all the photography projects I really wanted to get done before Christmas/New Year, one - the TransFormers Classics 'Happy Feet' skit is the most important. Because Mirage is such a wonderfully poseable - and very stable - figure, I wanted to do a little pee-take of the movie Happy Feet, and have Mirage dancing around, only to be interrupted by Hot Rod asking what he was doing. Mirage would explain that he was dancing, because his feet are happy. Hot Rod would then advise him not to do that around Prime, because it's just not Autobot. Of course, while it would be easy enough to put Mirage into decent Fred Astaire poses, to really do this justice would need stop-motion animation. Maybe one day...

On the subject of photography, I really needed to update my website with pictures of Kiss Player Hot Rodimus, and most of the rest of my Christmas haul... But that's just going to have to wait until weather improves.

Or until I get a light box/light tent for photography. I tried ordering one over the weekend, but it didn't work... I emailed the vendor, but have yet to receive a response.

Something else I neglected to do over the festive period was to send out Christmas/New Year greetings as emails at the very least. You'd think I'd have found the time but, for one reason or another, it never happened. All the more annoying as one e-pal sent a whole bunch of photos of her recently-born baby, and another went to the trouble of sending a card in the post from the States. I've been getting really terrible about responding to email recently. One thing I must try to do this year is get back to my usual system of replying straight away. I may not have much to say, but that just makes for a shorter email ;)

In other news, I'm really beginning to see the point of YouTube. Originally, it just seemed to be a place for sad, silly, pointless videos made by people who must surely have something sensible to do, if only they'd put their minds to (better) use in finding it. Now I see it differently. Why? I'll give you two reasons:

The Sisters of Mercy perform He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
Bay's Touch

And if that ain't enough for you, you'll never get it.

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