Sunday, 18 July 2010

What's the big idea, Mr. Nolan?

I refer, of course, to the movie Inception.

At close to three hours long, I was surprised by how fast-paced the movie was. It really never lets up, leaping from one dream to the next, spending very little time in reality, and playing with the audience by frequently playing with its characters' perception of reality. The whole thing hinges on one very simple point... which isn't revealed until quite late in the movie... and then the film cuts to credits before delivering its punchline, leaving the audience to wonder exactly what was real. You could spend hours arguing "but what if..." and "but what about..." and still not come up with a reality you're entirely comfortable with. Excellent stuff... and I'm very likely to watch it again at least once. Definitely one to pick up on DVD.

I particularly liked that the technology of dream invasion was never explained - it's just there. You see it working, and there's no need to know how it works.

The rest of today's outing was a little disappointing - as usual, I was hoping to pick up some new-ish Wii game or another... but nothing really caught my fancy. I was surprised by how many second hand copies of Monster Hunter Tri were clogging the shelves at Computer Exchange, but I guess some folks just don't like putting in the number of hours that MH3 requires. Never before has it been so true to say "it's not a game, it's a way of life".

This has been a pretty good weekend, on the whole - from the evening out on Friday, through yesterday's surprisingly good Film and Comic Con, and today's excellent movie... The best way to ease out of one week and back into the next.

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